Kili We Have Reached Summit

Kili We Have Reached Summit

Thursday, 1 December 2011

About Sandton Hiking Club

The Sandton Hiking Club was founded by a group of friends who share a common interest of mountain hiking. The group comprises Tshilidzi 'ChilliMan' Ratshitanga, Muthanyi Robinson Ramaite, Wiseman 'Bhuti' Khumalo, Eugine 'Msizi' Lottering, Thendo Ratshitanga and Leslie Mkhabela. We also have associates, these are the hangers on who havent actually climbed with us yet but who are there when we decend from the mountains, friends such as Bright, Arthur, Colin, Sihle, Mothupi, etc. We are hopeful that one day they will climb a mountain and we will then decide if they have been initiated enough to join the club.

We are all businessmen whose businesses are based in and around Sandton, hence we decided to call our club Sandton Hiking Club. All of us are madly in love with our country and find hiking a perfect time out to recconect with Mother Land and reflect upon our country's journey as she unravels. We spend time together on and off the mountains fiercely engaging about the trajectories of this beautiful country and at the same time taking time out to relax our minds with South Africa's soothing landscapes.

We began hiking in April once we had decided that we were determined to summit on the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Killimanjaro. We have all been training sufficiently and are looking forward to the first few steps on this august treasure of Africa on 8 December 2011.

Given that we are comrades, we have decided to dedicate our summit to the celebration of the 100th year Anniversary of the people's mighty Movemnet, the African National Congress. We will take with us the ANC flag and hoist it with pride on Uhuru Summit, the highest pick of Africa's lands, the pinnacle of Killimanjaro.

But this is also an individual journey for each of us. We will set aside time and give each other space to reflect upon our own individual journeys of life, where we have come from, what is happening in our lives currently and where we wish to head henceforth. We have to find our souls abourd that great mountain and reconcile with our other selves. And as with the reality of life upon most mountains we shall not be alone. Each step of the way we will be joined by the gallaxy of heroes and heroines who have passed over the years, and to whom for this honour we salute ever so permanently in our hearts!


  1. Heeeee, Guys travel safe and be safe. We hope to see you soon and hope that you finish the race. Goodluck.
